outdoor heater installation residential electrician Alexandria VA

A homeowner in Alexandria reached out to CoreTrade Electric for assistance with various electrical tasks at their residence. The homeowner selected CoreTrade Electric for the project due to their prompt response and ability to quickly schedule the tasks, all provided at competitive pricing.

Project Overview

The requested services included the installation of a porch heater and its accompanying dimming panel, relocating and reinstalling a chandelier, and upgrading the home lighting to energy-efficient LED fixtures.

CoreTrade Electric successfully completed the project, which involved the LED lighting upgrade, relocation and reinstallation of the chandelier, and the installation of the porch heater. The project spanned two days, ensuring minimal disruption to the homeowner’s routine.

Project Expanded to Include EV Charging Station

During the project, the homeowner mentioned that they owned an electric vehicle (EV) and learned that CoreTrade Electric installed EV chargers. They discussed the possibility of installing an EV charger at the property for their next project.

What Our Client Said

“CoreTrade was the only one to call me back right away and after describing the job, they explained our options and took a lot of time talking with us, which we really appreciated,” says the homeowner, Rob. “We had a great overall experience and are very pleased with their professionalism and final work.”

By offering a comprehensive range of services and completing the customer’s project according to their specifications, CoreTrade Electric demonstrated its commitment to delivering customer-centric solutions.

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